Not sure when exactly I made the switch from being the person who was too afriad to step outside of their comfort zone and try anything unfamiliar because they were self conscious and afraid of not being good at something new and instead became a person who has the audacity to just try a new and complicated thing that could probably go quite badly if it doesn’t work out as intended.
I have now lived through so many instances of working up the courage to try something terrifyingly uncertain and surviving the consequences. Even if the consequences were painful for me and very likely other people, too.
This is why – though my comfort zone has expanded outwards, I think – it’s still a finite space. There are still lines I will not cross.
No matter what happens when you take a risk, you learn something. Hopefully.
I think maybe the only way to learn how to climb is to accept the risk of falling. And for every unpleasant fall and every new callus there is the joy of knowing you’ve accomplished something you could never have done if you hadn’t taken the risk. There is the “there. I did it” feeling. And this is worth something.