- for:
- this cat
- laptop, arriving
- the prospect of finishing portal
- after a year and a half
- coffee
- books
- memes
- comfy pants
- I still have all my toes
- purple hair fading to pink
- glasses
- Helen’s four wheel drive
- Helen’s radio stations
- meds that help
- fat word documents full of notes
- comfortable face masks
- astronomy classwork
- the German that is still somewhere in my brain
- satisfying crushes on absolutely unattainable humans
- tea with honey
- people who don’t fit into boxes
- hairtyes under the bed
- when I need them
- The magic 8 ball that gives you the answer you needed to hear
- beeswax candles
- stars
- the milky way galaxy
- spoon theory
- veterinarians
- solid anime script writing
- unfinished manuscripts
- cousins
- snapchat, which is quickly becoming the least stressful way to talk to people
- fake leather chairs
- bones
- skin
- hair
- teeth
- eyeballs
- post valentines day chocolate sales
- winter storms
- cold that bites
- fire on the hearth
- water
- wood
- sweaters, vests, hats
- blankets
- and have i mentioned to you this cat
- who sleeps next to my face at night
- catches my tears in her fur
- licks my hands and face and ears
- tucks herself under my elbows
- shits on the floor
- hates everyone but me….
Hope it’s a good Tuesday.