I did study, today. Studied my ass off, actually.
I also successfully crocheted a hat. First ever time.
So close to the end of a semester. I’m finding it genuinely strange that I don’t feel compeltely exhausted. I have to finish up an essay about The Tempest, take a test on Mosim and Confucianism and Taoism, and study for an exam about symbolic logic.
The Tempest is surprisingly not terrible. For one of my last essays this semester, I get to write about whether or not Shakespeare actually intended to write commentary on the impacts of colonialism on indigenous people when he wrote this play. I think that it’s easy to read things that way, with the benefit of hindsight. But maybe the benefit of hindsight was something that Shakespeare didn’t have? And we can’t really know, for sure.
I think that a lot of the meanings of things are actually up to the readers of things. The writers are mostly just trying to find the right words.
I really like Taoism.
My professor pointed out that there are actually a lot of things that Taoism doesn’t have the answers for. Taoism knows this, and to this, Taoism just kind of says “fuck it, there are some things in life that we can’t have the answers for all of the time.”
(Tutoring 101, bitches.)
Also, I adore the implication that all of these other philosophies are trying way fucking too hard. As a philosophy student, I think this is an excellent point. Plato really should’ve tried this whole go with the flow, don’t try to force things approch to life. It might have helped him out with that neurotic perfectionism 🙃🤭
Honestly, I just feel like philosophers are meant to take issue with everything, all the time. Consequently, they’re really bad at practicing Taoism.
Studying logic makes me miss mathematics.
It’s an upside down and backwards feeling, but I like using my brain this way. Might treat myself to applied statistics in the spring, because then Geneseo will let me have a math minor and that is something I want in this life. May live to regret those words.
So tired.
I hope it’s an excellent night. 🌙 ☯️