Currently procrastinating a free form writing assignment for Eastern philosophy, which is due tomorrow. I have very few parameters – compare the perspectives from one of the modern philosophers we read for this class (my professor’s book, essentially) with another viewpoint from an ancient text (the Gita, the koran, the Analects.) I could write a dialogue or a poem or a short story or a play, if I want to, so long as I’m demonstrating that I know my stuff.
Free-form poetry is probably my medium of choice. The words just – tumble. Because they are allowed.
Anyway. Things I did instead of working on this project, today –
- Walked three miles
- Had a neat conversation about mental health things
- Online thrift shopped for ingredients for homemade things to give people over the holidays. I think I almost have enough time to pull this off.
- Asked the folks in the group chat about their favorite smells. Answers included vanilla, gasoline, camp fire smoke, all types of vinegar, race car exaust, grapefruit, jasmine, and bleach. I love all of them.
- Listened to my 2020 spotify playlist on fucking repeat because I am a child
- Washed my hair and brushed my teeth and changed my shirt and you know what those things should be non-events but I haven’t left the house in a while so I – yeah. Actually felt kind of amazing.
- Also I keep forgetting that I’m blond, so
- Listened to one of Amanda Palmer’s podcast episodes, in which she interviews memiorist/musician Storm Large. Storm Large is responsible for the song “8 miles wide,” which has been stuck in my head for three days and I think everyone should live through that at some point.
- Rescued my sister from her friend’s transphobic republican dad who was moody because his bl*e lives matter flag mysteriously went missing
- Ate satisfying quantities of popcorn and sipped cold tea which I brewed for myself and then promptly forgot about for like two hours
- Bickered with my mom because she remembers watching me do things that I have no recollection of doing like five minutes later and it is disconcerting to the nth degree
- Watched an old movie about Pirates ☠
I don’t know. I felt like few things happened today, but now that I write things down… that’s kind of a lot, and no wonder I feel tired. Should rest; I have some serious free form poetry bullshitting to do until 11:59 tomorrow.
Is it Thursday, already? I hope it was strange and full and satisfying, and I hope you got to the end of this day and felt like it was time for some rest 🖤
Love you.